Sunday, July 12, 2009

Many of my images deal with politics and religion in a humorous way, however, in my Corporate Decay Series I deal with many disturbing issues, ranging from the conflict of interest between national security and personal freedom to the destruction of our natural way of life, in a more straight-forward way. I find my photographs or soulrecordings, as I like to call the images my mind feel's called to make, to be most effective story tellers of this subject matter by merging colorful form with harsh realities in pictorial metaphors.

Jason Miller, 2009.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

Friday, November 28, 2008

Advertisers often take a sampling of the interests of the public at large in order to amend, repackage, and sell artificial and tainted versions of the very same simple pleasures that once were free back to the public at a profit. This image is that of a real bird sitting in identical posture to the man made bird beneath. In a similar way we sometimes mimic that which is fake in an attempt to be in vogue or hip to current trends and fashions.